
Monday, February 7, 2011

Swedish Exam

The last 2 weeks we have been quite busy studying Swedish. This is because we wrote the final exam for our first course on Thursday last week. Next week we have the oral exam, and if we pass, we can move on to the next level. We will then be qualified to speak Swedish in public-places but may only introduce ourselves, count to 100, buy food and furniture and use some other everyday phrases.

Luckily I share an office with a real Swede called Mats Pettersson, and the following video contains a few of the phrases he thinks everyone should know:

(please excuse our accent and pronunciation, but some of these phrases are a bit tricky)

Also in preparation for the exam we watched 2 Swedish movies this weekend. The first was an Ingmar Bergman classic, "Wild Strawberies", which is very good, touching on various aspects of morality, kindness, love and death. The second, "Slim Sussie", is a strange blend between a comedy and murder mystery. We found it a bit weird but quite entertaining.

We will have a short post later this week, to update you on our exam results.


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